Services > Cineflex Rentals



As a leading international aerial production company, Helifilms rents out the Cineflex system to feature films, commercials, broadcast television, as well as massive live global events such as the Olympic, Commonwealth, Asian Games and World Cup Football (see our credit list more more info).

Over the past 20 years, Helifilms has flown Wescam, Leo, Gyron, Libra, Continental and Tyler. We have shot on everything from 35mm to
VistaVision and back through 65mm and even IMAX. And we’ve loved it.

So why would Helifilms decide to invest millions of dollars in the Cineflex High Def system? The answer is simple. Cineflex is the superior system for gyrostabilised filming on helicopters, tracking vehicles, cranes and boats.

Our V14 mounted on our AS350 in Los Angeles.

Our V14 can be mounted on the roof, front grill or rear tray of our custom designed Nissan Navaro. Click here for more details.

Within 30 minutes you can mount a Cineflex on the deck of any marine craft.Click here to see footage shot from a boat.

Here the V14 was mounted on a film crane with a simple 'moy' fitting.

To see the Cineflex mounted on the Vortex crane visit the Cammotion website.

We own and operate four Cineflexes around the world with offices based in Australia, the UK,the US and South Africa and have shot all over the world (see in our gallery page).

We have mounted our systems (as you can see on the left) on helicopters, tracking vehicles, boats, and various cranes.

We can supply a full service aerial unit with directors, producers, aerial coordinators, film pilots, cinematographers, engineers etc or simply a film pilot and Cineflex with a cameraman for smaller productions. Please visit either our aerial unit or our film production links for further details.

Why do we use the Cineflex V14 camera system over all others?

  • You can zoom to the 35mm equivalent of 2000mm and the image remains rock solid and with lenses as wide as 14mm, this opens up a new world of shot design.

  • You can achieve extremely high resolution images, matching the quality of 35mm film.

  • You can shoot using Cineflex Full High Def and output the finished project to a glorious 35mm film release print just as hundreds of feature films and commercials do each year.

  • You can shoot continuously for 40-50 minutes, and need only 30 seconds to reload.

  • You can show your clients rushes without delay.

  • You can stay inside the helicopter with the door closed, and carry out meaningful conversations with the Director.

  • You can pan continuously through 360 degrees, and tilt from the rotor blades to upside down on the tail boom.

  • You can watch the image on a large, clear High Definition Monitor, focusing remotely with ease and precision.

  • You can technically assess shots with High Definition monitoring, and so achieve 100% accuracy.

  • You can easily and quickly control exposure, colour and gamma settings in-camera, while in-flight.

To read more about the features and capabilities of the Cineflex V14 and the mounting brackets, please click here.

To see a rate card in various currencies click here.

To see a comparison between shooting 35mm and High Def, click here.

To see our comprehensive credit list click here.

If you are a helicopter operator, you can check your aircraft suitability for Cineflex use here.


The Cineflex V14 mounted on a Seabird Seeker



To see the Cineflex V14 in action, run your cursor over the thumbnails below or click on the thumbnail to download or view in high resolution